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A universe of plant-based dairy disruption – download

White-paper-A universe of plant-based dairy disruption – download

A universe of plant-based dairy disruption – download
How consumer attitudes are driving growth in plant-based dairy alternatives and the ingredients that resonate with them when formulating products.

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Among the larger overall increase in consumer demand for plant-based products, the world of dairy alternatives has specifically skyrocketed in popularity. From yogurt, cheese, milk and more, it is abundantly clear that consumers are flocking towards plant-based dairy products. Whether it's because of the high incidence of lactose intolerance in adults, to concerns over animal welfare and environmental issues, more and more consumers are choosing alternative dairy every single day.

But being successful in this space isn't simple. Aside from the challenges of formulating products that not only taste like real dairy, but functions like it as well, it's important for brands to understand the myriad of reasons why consumers make their dairy alternative choices. Understanding the market as well as having the ingredient expertise to make the products that consumers will flock to is a balancing act that companies like Cargill are prepared for.

Read this report from Cargill to learn about the complicated and varied attitudes driving consumer shifts toward plant-based dairy alternative products, the ingredients and product attributes that resonate with consumers, as well as the latest ingredient solutions and techniques for addressing taste and texture challenges.

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