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The rise of new and innovative meat alternatives – product development guide

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The rise of new and innovative meat alternatives – product development guide
The rapidly growing meat alternative market has brought new ingredient options to the table that provide better flavor, texture, and nutritional value to plant-based meats.

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Your hippie uncle’s bland, rough-textured veggie burger is a thing of the past. The rise of flexitarianism (meat eaters incorporating more plant-based foods into their diets) has driven formulators to create better plant protein sources for consumers who have plenty of options.

While this opens fantastic new growth opportunities for alternative meat products, flexitarians demand that plant-based meat alternatives both taste and perform at a similar level to traditional meat in order to make the switch long-term. That’s why it’s important to choose plant protein sources that rise to the challenge.

Read our latest product development guide to learn about some of the newest and best ingredients that are more flavorful, more nutritious, and cleaner label.

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