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How food systems are becoming more sustainable – eGuide

White-paper-How food systems are becoming more sustainable – eGuide

How food systems are becoming more sustainable – eGuide
Companies are increasingly realizing that they have a crucial role to play in combating climate change, and pushing food systems to a model of sustainability is one of the most important steps on that journey.

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It has become clear to consumers that climate change is no longer a worry for the future; climate change is here now. And it has begun to affect so many aspects of human activity, especially in light of the increasing number of natural disasters spurned by global warming. Along with consumers becoming more aware of the need for a greater focus on sustainability, companies are becoming more aware alongside them.

Companies like Cargill realize that effectively tackling climate change goes well beyond simply reducing carbon emissions. It requires a much wider scope that looks at the entire supply chain and food system in a holistic way to ensure that current and future generations have a sustainable system that can support everyone.

Download this eGuide from Cargill to learn about the intricacies of creating effective and measurable sustainability programs, specific supply chain initiatives for in-demand ingredients like stevia, and changing consumer attitudes that are helping companies inform how to transform the current food system into one that can nourish both people and planet.

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