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Functional organic fiber for forward thinking consumer food and beverage products – download

White-paper-Functional organic fiber for forward thinking consumer food and beverage products – download

Functional organic fiber for forward thinking consumer food and beverage products – download
A new functional and organic potato fiber gives formulators new options for keto and other low carb products.

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Fiber has held the benefit of being consistently labeled healthy, unlike some of its counterparts like fat, carbs and others that have often fluctuated between being deemed healthy and unhealthy. Its nutritional benefits are well known, like aiding in the digestive process and feeding the gut microbiome for a prebiotic effect. Yet most Americans do not get enough fiber in their diets.

Fortunately, consumers seem to be trying to address that. With more than half of consumers responding to a survey that they are trying to increase fiber in their diets, products that are able to deliver on that front are poised to succeed. Products like AGENAFIBER: an all natural, organic potato fiber that is incredibly versatile, including being keto-friendly despite the fact that it comes from potatoes.

Read this manufacturer's download from Marroquin Organic to learn about the novel and unique properties of AGENAFIBER that give formulators a versatile fiber option for a variety of food and beverage products that need a healthy fiber boost.

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