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Functional fiber gets friendlier – digital magazine

White-paper-Functional fiber gets friendlier – digital magazine

Functional fiber gets friendlier – digital magazine
Between its potential health benefits and formulation advances in taste and texture, dietary fiber is garnering more attention. Also referred to as roughage or bulk, dietary fiber is the structural part of plant foods (such as grains, fruits or vegetables) that the human body cannot break down or digest. Some of the buzz in fiber-rich food and beverage comes from utilizing whole ingredients, inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or polydextrose. Newer fiber sources include algae, mushrooms and cacao pod husks.

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Takeaways for Your Business:

  • Product introductions making a fiber claim often are grain-, fruit- or vegetable-based.
  • Upcycled ingredients such as used tea leaves and spent grains give a nod to sustainability.
  • Consumers perceive products making a fiber claim are healthier, but not as exciting or tasty.


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