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Flavorful, colorful function: Natural flavors and colors for today’s clean products – product development guide

White-paper-Flavorful, colorful function: Natural flavors and colors for today’s clean products – product development guide

Flavorful, colorful function: Natural flavors and colors for today’s clean products – product development guide
A broadening palette of natural colors and flavors is helping to meet consumer expectations for products that push the boundaries but also look and taste great.

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The connection between flavor and color in products is no secret among seasoned product formulators, who understand that while taste is king, how a product looks has a great influence on their perception of how it tastes. Artificial colors and synthetic flavors have long played a role in shaping this perception, but consumers increasingly want products with natural, clean ingredients that also look and taste the way they expect.

Formulators have their work cut out for them. But a growing number of natural colors and flavors derived from plants, animals, minerals or microorganisms can help. Download this product development guide to dig into how these ingredients provide advanced functionality as well as a rainbow of vivid colors.

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