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Fats and oils: the newest nutritional frontier – product development guide

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Fats and oils: the newest nutritional frontier – product development guide
Once considered some of the most unhealthy ingredients in our diets, fats and oils have now become a nutritional frontier as understanding of their health benefits have opened up new innovation pathways for formulators.

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At one point in time, almost all kinds of fats and oils were demonized for their supposed contribution to heart disease, obesity, and a host of other health issues. Recent nutritional science, however, has revealed that not all fats and oils are created equal; some of them are actually incredibly healthy. This has opened up new pathways to innovation for formulators in food and beverage products in terms of health, taste, and function.

With the knowledge that mono- and polyunsaturated fats actually deliver health benefits to consumers, ingredient suppliers have tapped in to a whole host of sources for these fats and oils like fish, coconut, hemp, soy, canola, and more in order to satisfy consumers' clean label demands while providing full flavor, enhanced texture and mouthfeel and prolonged shelf life. Many of the best suppliers also offer these ingredients with in-demand specifications like Non-GMO Project Verified, USDA Organic, Vegan Certified and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. 

Download the latest product development guide to learn about the exciting possibilities surrounding formulation with healthy fats and oils and how some of the top suppliers are working with brands to formulate innovative products that meet the demands of consumers.

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