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Inside Organic

Elevating the organic message – download

White-paper-Elevating the organic message – download

Elevating the organic message  – download
From being a powerful solution to climate change to promoting healthy communities, there is more to organic than “no pesticides.”

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Organic is a huge industry–a $63.3 billion one, in fact– and is growing fast. A 2020 Organic Trade Association survey of 3,188 shoppers found that more than 90% believe organic is more important than ever. But coming up with simple and effective messaging on what organic is and why it's important remains one of the largest hurdles for the industry to truly explode with mainstream shoppers.

The benefits of organic for human health and the planet are well-known to those in the industry, but because organic encompasses a wide variety of practices, telling consumers why they should care can be a complicated issue. Describing what organic isn't–no pesticides, no GMOs, no artificial chemicals, etc.–is relatively easy. It's the must dos and the yeses that are hard, like organic's positive impact on climate change, increased transparency and supporting local farms and communities, among others.

Explore this eGuide to dive deep into the world of organic and learn how some of the top forward-thinking companies in the space are breaking the mold when it comes to effective messaging as the industry races towards a healthier and more sustainable future. 

A special thank you to our program partners:

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