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Beverage formulation with a purpose – white paper

White-paper-Beverage formulation with a purpose – white paper

Beverage formulation with a purpose  – white paper
Consumers today not only want beverages that are tasty and hydrating, but also deliver specific health benefits made from ingredients that are produced sustainably.

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It's no longer just enough to create beverages that only taste great, hydrate, and nothing else. Consumers are more discerning than ever before, and they want beverages that can help support specific health goals with ingredients that support their sustainable lifestyles.

Ingredients such as turmeric, elderberry, probiotics and more can offer the targeted health benefits that are in demand so formulators can stay head of the trend curve. And sustainable ingredients such as pea protein and stevia offer a responsible choice for consumers.

Download this white paper from Cargill to discover the benefits consumers are looking for in their functional beverages and the formulation options for brands who want to deliver.

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